You’re contributing to superior composting

We love our composting hubs! They process 6 tonnes of food scraps each per year.

Ok. I’ll say it. We’re the better option. I don’t think I was brought up to toot my own horn, or maybe it’s an innate personality thing. But there are certainly times and places for that kind of thing. This is one of them.  I’ve talked before about some of the differences between backyard composting… Continue reading You’re contributing to superior composting

The future is compostable 

It was National Recycling Week last week. So, it’s particularly relevant that two recent newspieces have caught my eye. This one from the Guardian UK is reporting on results from a citizen science program called ‘the Big Compost Experiment’. As usual, the headline is more inflammatory than the actual content of the article and it certainly misrepresents… Continue reading The future is compostable 

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Celebrating kitchen scraps – elevating their place in our kitchens

Kitchen scraps aren’t waste, they’re a valuable resource. From the farm to the table and including the refrigerated trucks and shops along the way a lot of resources have gone into their production. Just because we might not eat the top of the capsicum bearing the tough stem, or the potato peels when we’re craving creamy mash, the scraps still hold quite a… Continue reading Celebrating kitchen scraps – elevating their place in our kitchens

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Why are Autumn leaves so valuable to our mission?

Autumn leaves are materially different to growing, green leaves. While the leaf is still growing and photosynthesizing it contains all the structures and elements it needs to keep it healthy and active (in a metabolism sense). But during Autumn, various environmental cues trigger a genetically controlled program in the leaves called leaf senescence. This process is a dismantling process,