Category: Blog

  • A year in compost(ing)

    A year in compost(ing)

    2020 was a huge year for Capital Scraps. We’ve built more composters, processed tonnes of food scraps and thought carefully about longevity of operations.

  • Composting in the time of Covid-19

    Composting in the time of Covid-19

    Well, this blog post was going to be about the next step in our ‘Small Measures’ project, funded under the Community Zero Emissions grant program from ACTSmart (ACT govt.). I WILL talk about that below but first up I’ll share my thoughts (and feelings) in regard to the current pandemic. I must admit I’ve been…

  • So many ways to get involved

    So many ways to get involved

    Howdy HCCers. There has been a lot going on at the compost collective, so I’d like to re-cap recent compost happenings as well as let you all know about a few upcoming events. Last weekend we officially launched the Mills St. Composter, the 2nd of our large new 3-bay composters. Yet Scott still performed a…

  • Come to our Mills St. composter launch and info session to learn what is possible

    Come to our Mills St. composter launch and info session to learn what is possible

    If you’re not particularly interested in composting or gardening then you’re exactly who we’d like to chat with! Of course we’re happy to share composting tips with fellow plant lovers and we’re expecting a few on the 15th. At HCC we’re all about composting in the most effective way and we’re always happy to share…

  • Great compost opportunities at Mitchell Community garden

    Great compost opportunities at Mitchell Community garden

    Last Sunday I stopped by the Mitchell community garden for the first time. I’ve known that one exists in Mitchell for yonks but I had a hard time picturing what it might look like. What with Mitchell being one of the semi-industrial areas of Canberra, with lots of establishments squished in to a smallish area,…

  • HCC is about composting together

    HCC is about composting together

    This week I had some really rewarding chats with fellow compost lovers. The whole point of the HCC is to lighten the mental load and to make sustainability and organic waste transformation more efficient. For some that means taking the care to source separate their veggie scraps and then leave the rest of the process…