Waste-wise at Polo Restaurant

When people first hear about the HCC a common ‘helpful suggestion’ is that I should ask cafes and other places that generate large amounts of food waste, if I can take it off their hands. This is the traditional business model for organics recycling: where so-called waste (no $ value) is given for free and… Continue reading Waste-wise at Polo Restaurant

HCC branching out

It’s been a bit quiet here on the blog but rest assured that the heap has been humming away and there is more afoot at the HCC besides. I’ve been working hard to see how the HCC can divert more and more of Canberra’s household organics from landfill. For that we need more households to… Continue reading HCC branching out

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Spreading the compost love

The current compost bays at HCC headquarters are pretty much at capacity. I’m always tempted to try and squeeze more and more feedstock in because, after all, any material that ends up getting composted instead of going to landfill is a win for our environment. And it’s hard to say exactly when capacity is reached… Continue reading Spreading the compost love

Mouse eviction! Or how to fix up an under-active compost bin

cute! but preventing compost from being made

Probably the most common problem that can occur with backyard composting is attracting pests, particularly the rodent kind. The inside of a plastic compost bin is insulated from the elements and full of tasty treats so it’s easy to see why they are attracted to it. Another aspect of the average backyard composter is that… Continue reading Mouse eviction! Or how to fix up an under-active compost bin