HCCers meet Cass in Watson! Cass is a member of the HCC ‘targeted demographic’ as she lives in apartment with limited space for gardening or otherwise playing with soil etc. Before I was in my late 30s and could finally afford to buy a house (with dual income, thanks Scott!) I lived in apartments/flats for… Continue reading HCC – for small buckets of scraps with nowhere else to go
Category: Blog
A cosy autumn morning for the second HCC open day
Just last week I was joking with a workmate about how ‘it never rains in Hackett’ but I guess the joke was on me this morning as it rained this morning only during the HCC open day and not later in the day like the weather man said it should (although if we get some… Continue reading A cosy autumn morning for the second HCC open day
Keep on turning for best compost and lowest greenhouse gas emissions
Some people may be surprised by the quantity of kitchen scraps that the HCC heaps can process. The scraps from over 50 households are added to the heaps every week, along with a bunch of dry leaves to balance out the carbon and nitrogen. This amounts to a large volume of material, bay no. 1… Continue reading Keep on turning for best compost and lowest greenhouse gas emissions
Happenings at HCC
It’s been pretty busy around HCC headquarters. Apart from the continual turning of the compost bays and running around collecting buckets I also had some very welcome guests over the last week. Jen and Edwina from SEE-Change Canberra stopped by to get a tour of the compost heap ‘in action’. SEE-Change Canberra is a community… Continue reading Happenings at HCC
Want compost more quickly? The HCC is here to help
Howdy HCCers, and meet Maryann. I mentioned her in my last community profile. Maryann lives in Hackett, quite close to Katia and both became HCC graduates early this year, embarking on their own compost production with lovely new tumbling composters. This is how Maryann explains her interest in composting: “I am motivated by the wish… Continue reading Want compost more quickly? The HCC is here to help
Interested in composting yourself but just can’t find the time? Use HCC to bridge the gap!
There is a common theme among many new HCC members and it goes a little something like this: “I’ve been meaning to start my own compost heap but just haven’t got around to it yet!” Like many things in our busy lives we can easily end up feeling a little guilty or at least preoccupied… Continue reading Interested in composting yourself but just can’t find the time? Use HCC to bridge the gap!