Category: Blog

  • Cut flowers in the compost – yes please!

    The fact that Valentine’s day was only a few days ago reminds me of a question that came from community member Jody in Watson: are cut flowers ok in the compost heap? This turned out to be quite the thought provoking question so thanks for asking it Jody 🙂 Specifically, Jody was wondering about the…

  • Happy days! Turning the compost heaps after weeks away

    Hooray! Even though it was stinky and I got covered in bugs, getting stuck into the compost was something I’ve been looking forward to all week. After a quick trip to the farmers market I was in the backyard and pulling apart bay no. 4 at 7:30. It’s a good thing I managed to get…

  • Who’s excited about composting in 2019?

    I am! That’s not surprising as I’ve been excited about compost for a while now and I don’t see that abating. It’s true that I’ve been away for the last few weeks and haven’t been able to actively compost myself. However yesterday I was very pleased to take a peek at the HCC heap when…

  • Looking forward to another year of composting

    Happy end of 2018 everyone! I hope that everyone had a lovely Christmas with quality family time. I’m currently enjoying catching up with the US side of the family, while thinking of the Aussie side as you all battle through a heatwave in Canberra and Melbourne. It’s not too cold over here, currently only about…

  • Hackett is full of compost lovers

    HCC continues to grow with new members supplying lovely scraps. Some new contributors were convinced to sign up at the Hackett Party at the Shops recently. This was a great event and I was kept busy talking compost all day. The weather was just about perfect and there was a great atmosphere with lots of…

  • Compost update after a brief break

    Ideally the HCC heaps are turned every few days for optimal efficiency. However, Scott and I took a trip down to Melbourne this weekend just gone, and drove back up to Canberra today. I was excited to see all of the kitchen scraps waiting to go into the heap once we returned. Thanks to many…