HCC Open Day!

The absolute best thing about running the HCC is getting to meet like minded people who appreciate that diversion of kitchen scraps and other compostables is worthwhile and beneficial. Therefore, what better than all getting together over a cup of tea? I’m looking forward to it!

A blustery Spring day filled with composting – lovely!

Saturdays here at Compost central are filled with moving stuff around. It was an odd weather day in Hackett. At one point on the radio I heard a simultaneous warning for hail and bushfires! Luckily neither of those eventuated. The lack of a hailstorm meant that lots of compost was turned and the various heaps… Continue reading A blustery Spring day filled with composting – lovely!

Good quality compost!

The current HCC arrangement of 4 seperate composting bays is quite full, now that lots of lovely people are donating kitchen scraps (and leaves, and horse manure). Therefore it’s time to shift some compost! I’ve been maturing (hoarding) the beautiful sieved product by letting it sit untouched in a 60L bin for some weeks now.… Continue reading Good quality compost!

Compost update

With plenty of collections and drop offs throughout the last week the first bay of the compost was definitely full by Friday. The HCC is now a 4-bay system, with plenty of material coming in to keep those 4 bays nice and full. There are the 3 bays of the wooden compost bin to start… Continue reading Compost update