Mouse eviction! Or how to fix up an under-active compost bin

cute! but preventing compost from being made

Probably the most common problem that can occur with backyard composting is attracting pests, particularly the rodent kind. The inside of a plastic compost bin is insulated from the elements and full of tasty treats so it’s easy to see why they are attracted to it. Another aspect of the average backyard composter is that… Continue reading Mouse eviction! Or how to fix up an under-active compost bin

Sharing the bucket love with a far-reaching network

Door to (back)door delivery

The ‘Hackett’ Compost Collective is a bit of a misnomer because you don’t have to be a Hackett resident to contribute! The name is there as more of a legacy and also a reminder that community composting works best on the local scale. Contributor Marie-Helene shows us all that the HCC can help reduce waste… Continue reading Sharing the bucket love with a far-reaching network

Trike trial!

Howdy HCCers, meet Peter (he’s the taller one): Peter and his family have their own compost bin but have also been contributing scraps to the HCC for quite a while now. Peter has also donated some large bags of leaves, keeping the HCC well supplied with carbon rich materials. But for the best contribution of… Continue reading Trike trial!