Want compost more quickly? The HCC is here to help

Howdy HCCers, and meet Maryann. I mentioned her in my last community profile. Maryann lives in Hackett, quite close to Katia and both became HCC graduates early this year, embarking on their own compost production with lovely new tumbling composters. This is how Maryann explains her interest in composting: “I am motivated by the wish… Continue reading Want compost more quickly? The HCC is here to help

Interested in composting yourself but just can’t find the time? Use HCC to bridge the gap!

There is a common theme among many new HCC members and it goes a little something like this: “I’ve been meaning to start my own compost heap but just haven’t got around to it yet!” Like many things in our busy lives we can easily end up feeling a little guilty or at least preoccupied… Continue reading Interested in composting yourself but just can’t find the time? Use HCC to bridge the gap!