Hooray for long weekends! This long weekend I helped some friends construct their own compost bin/area/secure heap. It’s certainly true that if you leave a pile of organic waste in a heap it will eventually decompose, but a compost bin can speed up things considerably. Another important aspect to composting in our urban environment is that… Continue reading The easiest compost bin?
Category: Uncategorized
Welcome to the Hackett Compost Collective
Want to contribute? Email Brook at hackettcompost2602@gmail.com Hello World! Or rather, hello to Hackett, Canberra, Australia and surrounding suburbs. This website supports a local effort to avoid sending kitchen waste and other goodies to landfill and instead turn them into delicious compost. If you’re reading this today (June 2018) then you can see the story… Continue reading Welcome to the Hackett Compost Collective